
With the "Zukunftscluster-Initiative", the BMBF is supporting research-strong regions throughout Germany under the motto "Clusters4Future" with new and courageous approaches in the field of knowledge and technology transfer. Their aim is to create the next generation of regional innovation networks.

Logo des Clusters4Future
Logo Clusters4Future

The "Zukunftscluster-Initiative" stands for the next generation of regional innovation networks based on ideas from outstanding basic research in excellent research regions. Pioneering spirit and creativity in cooperation make the future clusters more dynamic and more willing to take risks. As a result, outstanding research will be brought more quickly into people's everyday lives, which is one of the central goals of the High-Tech Strategy 2025. To keep Germany as an innovative nation in the top group in international competition, ideal framework conditions are needed for the cooperation of universities, research institutions, companies and other relevant players. To this end, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is launching the initiative to establish a new generation of regional innovation networks - the so called “Zukunftscluster”. Each of the two rounds of competition started with a funded six-month concept development phase. The clusters were then selected based on the best concepts. The funding perspective of up to nine years offers the prerequisite for the sustainable implementation of innovations in new innovation networks.

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